What is KYT (Know Your Transaction)?

AML transaction check (KYT) is the process of tracking the origins of the cryptocurrency involved in a transaction. If a significant portion of the funds comes from suspicious sources, there is a high risk that others will refuse to engage with you, as your address may also be deemed potentially risky.

  • Why is it dangerous
    not to check your assets?

    Careless management of your assets can result in receiving "tainted" money or tokens. In such cases, the following problems may arise:

  • Compliance departments of exchanges and financial services may require you to undergo verification and explain the origin of your funds.

  • All assets in your wallet may become compromised, making them unacceptable for exchanges and transactions.

  • The crypto wallet may be blacklisted, and the assets within it frozen until the verification process is completed.

What does the crypto AML check include?


  • The risk level of this transaction
  • Detailed information about the sources of cryptocurrency in the transaction
  • Percentage of clean and dirty money in the transaction
  • General and technical information about the transaction
  • The amount of risky asset
  • All previous senders and recipients of cryptocurrency from this transaction


  • The risk level of interaction with this wallet
  • Detailed information about the sources the wallet receives money from
  • Percentage of clean and dirty money in the wallet
  • Wallet usage statistics
  • The amount of risky assets in the wallet
  • Transactions in which the wallet took part

What does the check result look like?

Overall test result


Low risk level

  • 0 - 30
  • 31 - 69
  • 70 - 100

Wallet for Checking

AML report for a wallet:


Trusted sources

There are 12 categories of trusted sources:

  • Exchange licensed

    The entity holds a business license that is specific to crypto assets, to include: custody, exchange, brokerage or any other related financial service, and provides an exchange service where participants interact with a central party (the entity). It does not include non-specific financial service licenses and jurisdictions listed as non cooperative with FATF

  • P2P Exchange licensed

    the entity holds a business license that is specific to crypto assets, to include: custody, exchange, brokerage or any other related financial service, and provides an exchange service where participants exchange directly with each other. It does not include non-specific financial service licenses and jurisdictions listed as non cooperative with FATF

  • Marketplace

    Wallets of shops of legal goods and services

  • Miner


  • Other

    Other entities

  • Payment

    Payment services

  • Seized assets

    Crypto assets seized by the government

  • Transparent

    Addresses that do not belong to any of the categories

  • Wallet

    Verified wallets

  • Exchange With Low ML Risk (archived)

    Exchanges with KYC / AML for deposit or withdrawal

  • Exchange With Moderate ML Risk (archived)

    Exchanges that allow daily withdrawals of up to $ 2000 in crypto without KYC / AML

  • P2P Exchange With Low ML Risk (archived)

    P2P exchanges with KYC / AML for deposits or withdrawals

Trusted sources:

  • Exchange With Low ML Risk10.1%
  • Date of Creation13.01.2021, 03:39:45
  • Number of Transactions5967
  • Number of Transfers6191 (3065 In / 3126 Out)
  • Balance of TRX1010.105693
  • Balance of USDT7808.016652

Suspicious sources

There are 7 categories of suspicious sources:

  • ATM

    Cryptocurrency ATMs

  • Exchange Unlicensed

    The entity does not hold any specific business license for crypto assets and provides an exchange service where participants interact with a central party (the entity). Includes licensed entity but in jurisdictions listed as non cooperative with FATF

  • P2P Exchange Unlicensed

    The entity does not hold any specific business license for crypto assets and provides an exchange service where participants exchange directly with each other. Includes licensed entity but in jurisdictions listed as non cooperative with FATF

  • Liquidity pools

    Smart contracts where tokens are locked to provide liquidity

  • Exchange With High ML Risk (archived)

    Exchanges from which you can withdraw more than $ 2000 in crypto daily without KYC / AML. (For fiat, you need KYC / AML.)

  • Exchange With Very High ML Risk (archived)

    Exchanges that do not use KYC / AML checks or have requirements for some countries only

  • P2P Exchange With High ML Risk (archived)

    P2P exchanges from which you can withdraw more than $ 1000 in crypto daily without KYC / AML

Suspicious sources:

  • Exchange Unlicensed 9.9%
  • ATM24.9%
  • Liquidity pools91.8%

Dangerous sources

There are 13 categories of hazardous sources:

  • Child exploitation

    Entities associated with child exploitation

  • Darknet Service

    Coins related to child abuse, terrorist financing or drug trafficking

  • Darknet Marketplace

    Coins that were used for shopping on the darknet

  • Enforcement Action

    The entity is subject to legal proceedings

  • Exchange Fraudulent

    Exchanges associated with fraud or illegal activity

  • Gambling

    Online casino without a license

  • Illegal Service

    Coins associated with illegal activities

  • Mixer

    The coins were passed through a mixer to make tracking difficult or impossible

  • Ransom

    Coins obtained through extortion or blackmail

  • Sanctions

    Sanctioned entities

  • Scam

    Coins that were obtained by cheating their customers

  • Stolen Coins

    Stolen coins

  • Terrorism financing

    Entities associated with terrorism financing

Dangerous sources:

  • Darknet Marketplace10.3%
  • Mixer1.5%
  • Illegal Service1.5%

Check your wallet now!

How to conduct an AML check on a transaction or crypto address?

  • 1 step

    Send at least 30 TRX for AML checks on your transactions.

  • 2 step

    Connect your crypto wallet you want to check. We have simple Wallet Connect solution

  • 3 step

    After connecting the crypto wallet, you will be redirected to your wallet to accept the check

  • 4 step

    Done! Now you can review all the information about the crypto wallet address and make an informed decision based on it. You can also share the check results with others or save them.